Identifying data of the person responsible for the web and the processing of personal data
Company: Solbi Mural, SL
CIF: ESB53219374
Adress: Polígono Industrial Oeste. Calle Uruguay, Parcela 8/26 - 30169 San Ginés (Murcia)
Access to and / or use is completely voluntary and attributes the condition of USER to whoever performs it. Every USER accepts, from the moment they access, without any reservation, the content of these "General Conditions" as well as, where appropriate, the "Particular Conditions" that may complement, replace or modify them in any way. in relation to the services and contents. Consequently, the USER must carefully read both before accessing and using any service under his entire responsibility.
In any case, we reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to deny access to this site to those users who breach any of these general or particular conditions that apply to them.
Purpose and Modification of conditions
We make available to USERS the possibility of browsing, accessing the contents and services provided they do so in accordance with the provisions of these GENERAL CONDITIONS.
In any case, we reserve the right to, at any time and without prior notice, modify or eliminate the content, structure, design, services, and conditions of access and / or use of this site, whenever it deems appropriate.
General Principles - User Responsibility
The USER undertakes to use the services and content that we provide him in accordance with current legislation and the principles of good faith and generally accepted uses and not to contravene public order with his action through the Web. Therefore, any use for illicit purposes or that harm or prevent, may damage and / or overload, in any way, the use and normal operation of the Portal, or that directly or indirectly threaten it or against any third party, is prohibited. .
The user will not transmit through the service anything that violates the values and dignity of people, in accordance with national and international standards for the protection of human rights. The user agrees to provide true and accurate information about himself in the registration forms, if any.
Likewise, the reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation or modification, by any means and in any form, of the contents (texts, designs, graphics, information, databases, sound and / or image files, logos, is prohibited...) and other elements, unless prior authorization from their legitimate owners or when this is permitted by law.
It is also prohibited with respect to the contents detailed above, any commercial or advertising use, other than that strictly permitted, where appropriate, and the violation, in general, of any right derived from them.
The existence of a hyperlink does not imply the existence of relations between us and the owner of that page, nor the acceptance and approval of its contents and services.
The USER will be solely responsible for the use of this site and for the fulfillment of these GENERAL CONDITIONS in their entirety. Consequently, the USER undertakes to keep secret, as confidential and reserved information, their access codes, passwords or similar data assigned to access any of their services, being responsible for any damages of any nature derived of the misuse made by themselves or by third parties, both against the same user, considering this as a consequence of their negligence, as well as those that we may suffer, as a consequence of the breach of these GENERAL CONDITIONS.
Any violation of these GENERAL CONDITIONS may give rise to extrajudicial or judicial civil or criminal proceedings that correspond against the user.
Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities
We do not guarantee nor are we responsible, in any case or circumstance, for the following facts and contents, nor for any damages that may, where appropriate, derive from them:
Lack of availability, continuity, access, maintenance and effective operation of the Web or / and its services and updating, accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness and reliability of its contents, whatever the cause, and technical difficulties or problems or of another nature in which said facts have their origin.
· The transmission or / and existence of viruses, other elements or programs harmful to the users' equipment that could affect them, as a result of access, use or examination of the site, or produce alterations in their electronic documents or files.
Illicit, negligent, fraudulent use, impersonating a third party or contrary to the content of these general conditions, good faith, generally accepted uses or public order, of the Web, its services and contents, by the USERS.
· Of the violations or infractions of the laws, uses or customs in force in matters of intellectual property rights, industrial property, business or contractual secrets, rights of privacy, honor, image, property, publicity or competition, among others, of third parties.
· Vices or defects in the content and / or services accessed through the Web.
· For the reception, storage, obtaining, diffusion or transmission by the USERS of the contents.
· For the knowledge of any information that may be possessed or used by unauthorized third parties regarding the characteristics and circumstances of the use of the contents and services by the USERS.
For the breach, by third parties of their obligations derived or contracted in relation to the services provided to the USERS, as well as for the lack of quality, reliability, adaptation to what is offered, legality, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to USERS on this site.
The previous enumeration is merely illustrative and is not, in any case, exclusive or exclusive in any of its points. In all cases, we exclude any liability for damages of any nature derived directly or indirectly from them and for any other unspecified of similar characteristics.
The PORTAL includes within its contents links to sites owned and / or managed by third parties in order to facilitate access to information available through the Internet.
We do not assume any responsibility derived from the existence of links between the contents of this site and contents located outside it or from any other mention of external contents to this site. Such links or mentions have an exclusively informative purpose and, in no case, do they imply the support, approval, commercialization or any relationship between us and the people or entities that author and / or manage such content or owners of the sites where they are located. In this sense, the USER undertakes to use the utmost diligence and prudence in the case of accessing or using content or services on the sites accessed by virtue of the aforementioned links.
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
The texts, designs, images, databases, logos, structure, brands and other elements of this site are protected by the laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property. Any reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, modification, communication to the public, or any other exploitation of all or part of the content of this site, carried out in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, are strictly prohibited except with our authorization. prior and in writing. Any infringement of these rights may give rise to extrajudicial or judicial civil or criminal proceedings that correspond. We do not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on your intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other property or right related to the Portal, its services or its contents.
The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights corresponding to the content provided by third parties is their sole responsibility.
In order to preserve possible intellectual property rights, in the event that any USER or a third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights due to the introduction of certain content, they must notify said circumstance, in writing, by means of the contact details indicated at the beginning, indicating:
- Personal data identifying the interested party who owns the rights allegedly infringed. If the claim is presented by a third party other than the interested party, you must indicate the representation you hold with which you act.
· Indication of the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the Web.
· Accreditation of the existence, ownership and validity of the aforementioned intellectual property rights.
· Express declaration in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the data and information provided in the notification referred to in this point.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These general conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation.
For any questions that may arise or actions to be taken derived from the provision of services and content, on the interpretation, application, compliance or non-compliance of what is established herein, the parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals corresponding to the residence of the person responsible for the Web.